Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jesus in my heart

The other day I was driving Kylie home from Vacation Bible School and she asked me where God was. Kids have such a knack for asking difficult questions! I just tried to think of the easiest explaination that would make sense. "God is everywhere." That seemed to pacify her for about 3 seconds. Kylie said, "I want Jesus in my heart, how do I get him there?" Another easy question! "You just let him in and tell him." Kylie said, "I want to give Jesus a big hug!" My heart just melted. Being a parent is the scariest thing I've ever done. To know that you are responsible for helping to shape their little minds and I wonder daily if I'm impacting my children positively. These are moments that make me happy!

The leech

I affectionately refer to Blake as my little leech. He is such a mommy's boy! The moment I walk through the door from work, he is attached to my leg until I give in and pick him up. I try to pacify him by holding him for a moment but he always wants more. I would be happy to hold him all night if I didn't have any other duties such as making dinner, cleaning, and more cleaning. I have to stop though and remember to treasure these moments. Some things are just more important than dishes. Thank you Blake for reminding to take time to stop and hold you. You are pretty persistent!