Sunday, August 23, 2009

Blake and his tomatoes

You are my vegetable eater! I love tomatoes and now I can't eat one alone. I always have this cute little blonde boy coming over and saying "tomow." You love to eat them with just salt. We go down to our humble tomato plants and you pick one out for us to eat. I'm so happy to share with you! Scott hates vegetables and Kylie barely eats anything so I was all alone in my veggie love! Another joy from seeing you eat tomatoes with me, is it reminds me of my granddad Lillpop. He's the one who taught me to eat tomatoes with just salt. I remember it always being a part of my most meals at my grandma's house. I wish you could have met him. I think you guys would have been great buds!

Why isn't anything ever easy

This is the question that I often ask with you, Kylie. I love, love, love your spirit, but it can be so strong sometimes! You rarely go with the flow and things often have to be done your way. We have started soccer practice and like everything else, we are in for a battle. Probably part of the problem is that I can be too serious and I expect a lot. Plus we are probably very similar in our stubborness which causes us to bump heads! It started with introductions. Everyone was going around telling their name and you wanted me to tell them. You are not shy but I complied. Then you threw yourself on the ground a few times when they were practicing different moves. If I looked around though, I'd realize it was better than the kid running off or the other one crying the entire time! I need to learn to count my blessings more. The rest of practice looked more like a negotiation with me trying to entice you into the practicing of moves and the game they were playing. You wanted no part of anyone trying to take your ball and whined we they did. However, you made no attempt to even try to defend your ball. When the coach picked you to go around and take balls from other kids you jumped to your feet! I was amazed to watch you in action as you suddenly used all the moves that the other kids had been practicing when you were laying on the ground! You must learn when no one thinks you are listening, which is a good reminder for me to stay on my toes, because you are always learning. I love you and we will make it through soccer practice together! I will learn to count my blessings and maybe you will learn to listen to your coach more.

Friday, August 7, 2009

My little swimmer

I am so grateful that I can still have the presence of mind at times to step back and realize that this is a special moment. I have so many things on my plate and I am constantly trying to multi-task, but it's like I can hear God stopping me at times to pay attention to what is actually going on. Bam Maw and I took you guys to my Aunt Pat's pool last Saturday while your daddy had to work the speedway. Kylie asked me so many questions on the way there. Who is Aunt Pat? Why haven't I met her? Are all the boats hers? ...........etc. It can drive me crazy at times, but I love your inquistive personality and the million questions you have. I put this crazy inflatable bathing suit on you and then some floaties to add to the mix. You have always been one to hang out by the steps at the pool or cling to mommy or daddy to venture out. Once you realized that you could truly float, you were all over the pool. It brought tears to my eyes for several reasons. One you were so stinkin proud of yourself that you were "swimming." It was so satisfying to watch you just brimming with triumph. Two another sign that you are growing up. You "swam" all over the pool and even pulled Blake along in his raft. Blake only had swimmies on and he was not about to float anywhere! Blake, you spent your time at the steps and getting out to of course eat or run down to the other end on your tippy toes the whole way. I love those little flexed calves! I really think that you are the cutest boy ever and you have so much mischeif behind those eyes. You did decide to let me throw you in the pool to Bam Maw's waiting arms. It just didn't feel right throwing you, but I did repeatedly after you discovered how much fun it was. As long as she didn't let you go under! What a great time at the pool! There was no crying, not once for those two hours!